
I have put on a few extra pounds this year, between client lunches and not having a standing desk anymore, so an opportunity to go walking with my friends at Fernald Nature Preserve. My son Scott could not explain why he should not go so he came with me.

We started out to the northwest to walk out on the train trestle that was built by the original land owner to provide building supplies and then used to build the Fernald uranium collection facility. It may someday provide a bike path crossing of Paddy’s Run.

We continued out on the Hickory trail. At the wetland observation tower we struck out across the wetlands on the mowed trails that are normally out of bounds for hikers. We climbed the cells were the remains of the collection buildings are interred.

Dennis on top of the cells


Scott on top of the cells.


We always have a group picture on top of the cells. I try to get one of whoever accompanies me too. Down the cell and around the south side of the preserve to the visitor center for around seven miles. I’m looking forward to the New Year’s Eve hike.