
This is the end of the fourth week of working from home.

Continuing to Dive into OpenID

I went back and read the OpenID Connect Handbook again. Now that I have a little experience with working through the flow myself. Coding against the model is what really helps me understand these systems.

Working from Home Tips

What I have found makes work from home work for me: * Use some of the time I would spend commuting on sleeping. An extra thirty minutes a day makes a difference. * Use the rest of the time exercising. I feel better, my blood pressure is now down to a healthy level, weight is going down. * Get up during the day. I picked up a FitBit in February, it makes me get up every hour for 250 steps. My back feels much better. * Sunlight is great. I spend as much time on the back porch as I can. My big monitor is in the basement office, but I only really need it for coding. Training videos and reading can be done on the porch.

What has not worked: * Sharing space with teenagers trying to do school work. I need a quiet space to do my thinking. Sharing a space with the boys is as bad as working in the open office. * Drinking like it is a weekend. Even though I do not have to get up and drive to work, I cannot have two more beers. I really messes up my sleep cycle which leaves me irritable the next day. * News throughout the day. It is not positive, broadcast pisses me off Twitter pisses me off. I have found that music works well. I used to be an NPR listener, I just need to ignore the world while I work now.

If you are getting started with DynamoDB I would recommend reading the AWS DynamoDB Guide. But these ten rules are a nice introduction.