05 February 2020
Member of an eleven developer agile development team moving an optical industry point-of-sale system from a JDA ERP system to SAP. Front end development using Java 1.4, Swing, Beanstore framework for point of sale functions. Interactions with backend ERP, manufacturing systems and insurance verification done using custom servlet wrappers and Apache Axis client accessing SOAP services. Modified Perl reporting and maintenance scripts on the server side to support changes. Created and extended Spring 2.5 based web services for interaction between manufacturing and SAP service layers using Java 6, Hibernate and Spring, JUnit. Modified and created Oracle 11 PL/SQL packages, views to provide client support. Most scrum project features were implemented by the team. Distributed source control (Git), project backlog (JIRA), continuous integration (Jenkins), and test coverage for new development (Cobertura).